It’s your lucky day Frank, my boyfriend told me this morning “hey Gloria, did that loser shitface Slave seen you lately?” and it hit me: it’s been too long since you gazed your dirty eyes on my beauty and it’s probably not a bad idea to remind you what your reason to live is. I’m gonna let you sit in that corner and watch me as I put on my make up and make myself even more beautiful (as if it’s possible) for my boyfriend, your Master. Don’t you dare imagine that this is how it would be if you were a man and I would do this for you! That thought is too far from your reach, you will never have the chance to have other woman in your life, especially one that does something nice for you. You don’t deserve even the puke after a drunken night, you must be caged like a sick pig and kept there until your eyes will know only darkness. You know I can see you in the mirror, right? You are drooling slave, wipe that shit from your face if you don’t want me to put your head in the toilet and flush you away!
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