It’s another day and I’m doing another fucking video for your dumb fat ass! But, you know how much I love to tease and torture you, right? I know how you just, look out your window every day, hoping to get a glimpse of me in flip-flops! Because I know how much you fucking love my feet! You’re such a loser, you don’t like my tits or my ass, no! You’re totally fucking obsessed with my feet! Right? Is that fucking right, you fat fucking snaggletooth ugly ass? Oh, it is, huh? You just say:” Oh yes Chloe, I love your feet!” Tell me! Get on your fucking knees and tell me how much you like my feet! Oh, you wanna suck on my toes? The only way you’ll ever get a chance to suck on my toes is maybe after I go and step in some dirt and dog shit! Maybe then you’ll get a chance to taste these precious puppy toes! But, no… I don’t even think I’d do that! You’re not even remotely worth touching my feet! I mean, even if they did have dog shit on them. Why? Why you ask? Because you’re a fuckin loser and I don’t like looking at your fat ass. Even if I was blindfolded, I would hear you breathing. You breathe all loud because you’re so fucking obese! Right? You can’t even walk three steps before you’re out of breath! Disgusting! Go get some weight watchers or something! No one wants to look at that! Seriously! Maybe that’s why you have to get all these videos from me because I won’t look at you and no one else would look at your fat ass! Oh, makes me wanna gag in my mouth just thinking about you! But… There’s one thing you good for… And you know what, these shoes, I wore them a lot lately. I went out dancing in them the other night and then I had a really hot date afterwards, and I didn’t take these off! I took everything else off but these shoes! I think there might be a little bit of cum on them still, too! Do you wanna come and taste his cum? You probably do, you sick fuck! But anyway, like I was saying… You know how most of the time you take care of my bills and buy my groceries because that’s all you’re good for… Well, I really need a new pair of shoes so, what you’re gonna do… Right now, after this video: go to the mall and buy me at least two pairs of shoes. High heels, sexy, size five and a half for my perfect little feet… And then come over. Don’t even fucking knock on my door because I’m not gonna answer it! Ring my doorbell and leave them on the steps because I don’t wanna see you! And, maybe put some bills in there too, that would make me really happy! Are you gonna do that for me? Oh, yeah, you are because you’re my little foot slave, right? You’ll do anything I tell you. Especially when it comes to my feet. Oh, you know what else I’ll need to go with those shoes that you buy me? I think I need a new pedicure, so… Yeah, buy me a gift certificate. You know my favorite nail place so just go and get that, right down the street… Maybe, like, fifty bucks per a pedicure. That would work! I do have to thank your fat ass, right? No way! I’m never thanking you! Seriously? No way! What are you doing? I told you to go fucking buy my shoes, ok? Are you seriously still looking at me? Oh, you’re drooling! Are you drooling because of me or because you’re thinking about the Burger King that you’re gonna pass by on the way to the mall? Ha, ha! That’s right, that’s why you’re drooling! Not because of my sexy body, or because, you get to see my perfect tits. No! You’re drooling because, once again, you’re hungry, right? When are you not hungry? I mean, you can go and eat a fucking cow and the cow’s baby and still be hungry because you’re so fat! You’re like a bottomless pit! It’s so gross. I can’t even imagine watching you eat! Makes me wanna throw up even thinking about it. I mean, really, what do you have at home? I’m sure that your refrigerator is stuffed with all that junk food. Seriously? You do know that obesity kills right? Maybe, if you actually wanna live another day, to see my videos of me, you should lose some weight! Yeah, it would be better for you… But, then again… You really don’t have any friends, no one really likes you! So, I guess if you died it really wouldn’t matter. But, then, who’s gonna pay my bills? Yeah! You need to lose some weight, you fat ass, because I need your money! So… Yeah! Here’s your assignment: go buy me some shoes, go get a gift certificate for my pedicure and on the way back stop by weight watchers or something and start doing something about your fat fucking umpa-lumpa ass, ok? Because I need all your money. I need your money before all that happens. Or you could just put all your money in a will! There you go! Problem solved! Now, make sure you call your lawyer and tell them right now, Chloe James gets everything! Everything you own! I like the sound of that!