Let’s be honest for a second, shall we? You’re not rich: you just have a little bit of money. Unfortunately for you, my fees are quite high, and that means subjecting you to financial humiliation like you’ve never had before. When I’m done with your pathetic ass, anything that you own will be mine. Believe me when I say that this is going to hurt you more financially than that dumb bitch of a wife divorcing you ever would.
Your house, your car – even the money down the back of the sofa. You’re going to get it all and give it to me. I can afford to be selective with my clients and demand a high price because I’m so good at what I do. So, if you want me to give you the slightest bit of respect, cough up the cash. This isn’t free, and you will be parting with money very quickly anyway, so you’d better get used to it sooner rather than later.
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