You and your pathetic fucking excuse for a cock! You know what it has done to me? It’s made me resort to pillow humping. Because why? You’re so pathetic and your cock is so fucking useless that I have to hump a pillow to get off. I would actually rather hump a pillow now than fuck with guys because I’m afraid all guys are gonna be pathetic and useless and have a tiny dick like you do. So why when I’m horny I just decided to grind and hump on pillows. Yeah, because it feels so much better! Oh, yeah! Uh, yeah, it feels good! Oh, it’s pretty sad that pathetic guys like you made me resort to humping pillows. But the good thing about it is that it feels so good! Oh, yeah! So much better than your little cock, whatever, made me feel. Uh, yeah! Oh, and I’m sure you probably like watching me hump pillows more than you’d like me to play with your dick, huh? Ha ha! Oh, yeah! Uh! You’re so fucking pathetic, you’d probably actually rather watch me hump pillows than you fuck me! That’s just because you don’t know how to use your cock though. Oh, yeah! Oh! Oh! And the best thing about pillows is that, once, well for one, it never cums. But, it has stamina, unlike you! It doesn’t just last for two minutes and then its done! So, if I wanted to have fun all night, I could have fun all night with my pillows because my pillow would actually be able to last. Unlike you! Oh, yeah! Uh, it feels so good! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! I think the pillow’s gonna get me off! Oh, oh! Uh, yeah! I know you would never be able to make me cum that good. Because you’re just pathetic and worthless, so now my pillow is my new best friend! Fuck off, losers!